Friday, September 17, 2010

Wording For Birthday Invitations Pay Own Meal

How to reach us by using Paltalk Express Audiochat

there are two ways to enter our Audiochat The first is through the program Paltalk Scene, the second is Paltalk Express.

The difference is that the former is a program that downloads directly to your desktop PC, the second method instead of directly using the private seasonal browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, etc. etc.) without downloading any software .

Let me explain how to use the free version or program Paltalk Express:

To access simply enter your Username and Password that you have previously registered. If you are not registered will explain how to do it in simple steps.

When you opened the window at the top right you will find the word Join now. Click that and it will open another window:

vost you must create a username (nickname). Enter a name to your liking, do the same thing for the password, and then enter a riconfermatela your valid e-mail, eg hotmail if you have one. In

(Security Question) or a security question, select an application at will (Example: What is the name of your favorite restaurant?) Or name of your favorite restaurant in

Security Answer: (you give your answer ) :-)

at this point, click the button (Register)

you are already on Paltalk :-)))

Now that you are registered as many times coming, you just go to this link:

Enter your Username and Password and you will chat with us :-)).


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