El Canto del GAL
Coma chiel Fasia already bib le matin
with the Edco has Comense sang
drinta I know the game, Sagrini stating that each sensation,
single head per Drita Mach salutary.
The only beautiful crests Rossa bin soli
the Dasi ciàir he sens la corona ed to:
hanger 'd col poly, chiel, al'era' re
and it controlled its own 'd. person-to ...
Andrinta in court, ciàira and bright
ai Caminada bin al nobile soagnà:
with him only to pass Leger spassigiava
blagand piuma touch with bin pëntnà.
Chiel fasìa the level to play chicken-and
ch'a it cudìo of full-and amirassion:
El blagheur aj'ero soe ... regin-e, but
deuvìo situassion understood the bin.
Ma 'n brut ij lader
are passed to and from the poles have piàit suits the Galin-e:
chiel for SOA al'é a fortune-scape,
but with the brut 'do-it-and since propi ... je.
For a while 's time has pa pì cantà
con el sò cheur full and soferensa:
peui with cole pole neuve found it
na Rason neuve for SOA esistensa.
Al fond ëd costa stòria j’é na moral
ch’a val s’a-i é ’l sol e con la brin-a:
për podèj sempre sente canté ’n gal
basta ch’a-i sia davzin...soa galin-a.
(Attilio Rossi)
The cat has translated from chicchirichese, meowing like this:
As he did every morning
that day began singing
into his chicken coop, with no thought,
with his head up just to say hello.
His beautiful red crest erect
gave the clear sense of the crown:
because of that chicken, he was the king
and controlled right person.
Inside the court, clear and bright, we walked with poise
walked with her light step
showing their feathers well combed.
He made nice with his hens
who tended full of admiration for the gallant
... were his queens,
but had to understand the situation well.
But a bad day
thieves have passed and they took all the chicken coop:
him his fortune he's escaped, but that
bad day was the end.
for a while 'time no longer
sang with her heart full of pain:
then with the new pullets
has found a new reason for its existence.
At the end of this story there is a moral
that applies if the sun is shining and the frost:
to sing always feel a cock
close enough that there is ... its chicken .
The moral of the poem is clear: if there is hen the cock crows, otherwise nisba.
Who is like poetry, should also enjoy the following tale.
There once was a rooster that had received free loan for a specified time (thought, belief, hope) a building, and had made a poultry house: in order to full-throated singing was not limited to a single hen, had wanted several and considered him a king, their king.
Villa himself had a rooster, another chicken coop: chickens josa wanted here, and always love to sing better (Ar core can not control, he said).
He also had another villa, island, Pollaiolo this too, not to pay the ICI had called Certosa, by including the church property tax exemption by hatred. More than a villa was a country, near the sea, equipped with everything one could miss the chickens? No, and there brought us better, more ... more!
order not to miss anything he had also bought an old barn, overseas (the natives call it Antigua, not to change from macaroni): here the inevitable chickens were exotic, hard, tanned and not seeking the payment of contributions payable by domestic workers.
Heaven, not for the other to contribute: distributed command posts, where the chickens could have fun, as a hen's brain allowing it to do.
For others, spent the coveted summit, there was the safe haven in television, which was a chicken coop especially, at the time bought to boost its crowing.
Not to look a despot, was surrounded by chickens and capons, which could chicchireggiare a command or by delegation; sometimes it seemed they did their own initiative, and the cock, mock angry, punishing them severely, promoting to higher positions.
The tale ends here.
Like all fairy tales should have a moral. This does not have it.
The moral of those who have died directly, dignity is buried, the shame no longer exists.
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