Donna, I scan your eyes with hope,
changed from a past of fear,
you always wanted to weak
always a slave of God, that man was.
It never stopped it your way,
since you were also there, alone,
where Christ himself bloodless
decided to breathe in this land,
but you, you are left with the burden,
continue to worship this dead face.
And nobody wanted to listen to your message,
and yet not one t'arrendevi,
left a caress, a son who died,
kissed on the forehead that left a husband,
and the agony of your grief,
continuasti to mend that sheet.
And your tears, your anger,
anyone ever felt sorry,
burned as a witch in a square,
stoned to the anger of a husband,
faceless gang-raped.
There is no justice in this story,
there is a history, which over time turns,
but not change or not to do so.
And that woman, in the darkness of a room,
caresses on her belly, her Baby
hopes that future, she is carrying,
always know where he was born,
because he knows, that if God himself
born man, was always a woman to her past.
Gosefe, July 20, 2009
For today post I had not foreseen, then I found this video, which made me get blood in my eyes. Yesterday, wandering among the blogs, I stumbled upon that of Joy, The truth, please, Love , talking about violence against women. I wanted to bring him here to publicize its reading, a little 'later, but this video has subverted my plans. There is talk of murderous violence, referring to events of recent madness. Violence is not only murderous madness, violence is any act injurious to the next, worse if facing the woman. It is not a matter of race or color, one that shows the movie is an insult to the only race that exists in the earth: the human race. Who do I call to law go to the link of Joy, adding the two forms of violence, and do battle to the death against it. I'm with Brown when she believes the Holy Grail of mankind, and curse anyone, by any means, nor the violent sacred.
forgot: the woman was sentenced to fifty lashes because she was wearing 'indecent clothing', defined as such trousers or short skirts. E 'insignificant in judging the absurd violence, but was whipped without having had a trial, and the two "brave" that they were policemen punished.
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