I saw
slender blade of grass bent by the breeze of life
as dawn rose,
withstand winters
blacks and long nights with no sky.
I saw fragile shrub
bent by the winds of a storm unleashed
chase distant horizons
and ephemeral hopes of tomorrow.
I saw tree branches spread strongman
in the blue toward the sun, to protect
slender blades of grass overlooking the threshold of life.
I see venerable oak
appear strong men in transit
beyond the visible. But
opaque echo bouncing, rumbling
deaf to the beak of the woodpecker ...
and ... hear the footsteps of the woodcutter.
Campiselli Roberto Angelo (1981)
Dedicated to all the cutters of the trade: who cut funds to the blind, who heads cut loose, who cuts in salaries and pensions, cut health care to those who forgot the people who died, who cuts the school because ignorance create consensus ..... for all the loggers must go. For them, too.
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