Sunday, October 31, 2010

Dell Latitude 2100 No Supported Webcam







week of action against vivisection

This is not a post, it's just a meow. Today is a holiday, please find two minutes to visit REVOLUTION OF THOUGHT Ondina, that's a post to read. Carefully.

A living thing that do experiments on other living beings has only one name: Mengele

Monday, October 25, 2010

Vintage Ewing For Sale

Claims First five

The building where we had gone to live was isolated, there was a large square in front, no frills, with grass, clay and seedlings around.
the back, a great field, grown mostly in corn, beyond which was the railway line.
On street level there were three stores, a florist, a tobacconist, and a smaller room, a tailor.
This florist had made friends with my wife, who went to help, passing the time while I was at work.
Love flowers and attendance had put in a position to participate in various processes, learning, as they say, the craft.
So when the florist, for his business, he decided to go elsewhere, the proposed survey of the shop was almost automatic.
When I had mentioned this possibility, I did not show any enthusiasm, because trade is not my sympathies, and because I was aware that would limit my free time.
In the end, as always when a woman makes up her mind to something which is against, I had joined.
Exams, chamber of commerce, registration taxes and other bureaucratic papers: all topped with a big break ...
The store, thanks to a certain neglect of the flower was, as they say, down to earth.
I tied my "yes" on one condition: if, putacaso, it had led to a good level, with a commitment that would put me under an obligation to choose between my job and the shop, we sold this, without 'if 'and without' but '. Follow
a store, even flower, with a 850 Spyder, of course, it was not.
I chose a middle ground between a van and a small car suited to the task: a Simca 1100, those with a sort of trunk and rear seats fold completely, to form a load acceptable. On
life (hell) I had forced the shop talk in specific places. Here continuous claims.
Among the obligations of floriculture was 'also' to go to the general market of flowers, of course, on the other side of the city across the country away from the belt to start.
This market, which is reserved exclusively for professionals, opened at half past five in the morning, it was necessary to get a 'pass' to be renewed year after year, entry was controlled by security guards, who were only passing Card Holders .
forgot: the wife had no license and did not show any interest in taking it, so there was the donkey that performs all the functions inherent to the portering shop. More
all others, of course.
As mentioned in previous posts, my work is always in the afternoon, sometimes 'also' in the morning, just as every 'even' in the evening, and in these cases until midnight.
My shame to speak of my own, perhaps prevented me from saying that, apart from life, sleep is my most precious asset. Now you know.
Back to incidents.
last decade of October, located in the last years of keeping the shop, which now was reaching the limit of good performance too, and then approaching the possibility of transfer at the time provided.
In view of the feast of Saints, but most of the dead (not a holiday but a celebration, but for florists certainly a lavish feast), woke up at five every morning, coffee, and away we go to the market.
For me a daily pleasure, that I will not tell or I'll cry.
Road humidified with delicate flowers, just to be in terms of snow, a course that was a highway, at that time only me and my Simca, a traffic light, red promptly and punctually complied with.
on that course overlooking a large factory.
At that time the workers dismantled the night shift.
were four on one machine.
O The driver was on autopilot without activating the on-board radar, or should have taken good aim.
Case of the slippery snow had not even heard if there was or not braking.
I had only seen the lights in the rearview mirror as they approached, and hit the rear of the machine. The head of the wife had
pendant back and forth, thank goodness, since historically empty, had not suffered damages beyond the classic flick of the whip.
The four were dropped, eight arms outstretched, as if to say "sorry, we did not deliberately"
Data Exchange address, phone, and meeting the next morning, Sunday, to define things better. How
said, in the Saints, the car was essential, as the store for my work, which is why I could very well take public transport, although a bit 'uncomfortable because of the times. In
day visit to the coaches explained my needs, he with a little 'I had a hammer in the sixth put the ass in the car, had changed the rear lights and put back on the road enough to be able to travel.
dead saints and passed pretty well, apart from the pack in the work shop.
Since the incident had gone a dozen days. I was not gone from the body shop because they are too busy on both fronts, work and shop.
The workplace was located on a long course, straight, wide enough to allow easy traffic and most importantly, without the possibility of parking problems.
That afternoon I had parked on the left, behind the camera to a colleague behind me at a distance of ten meters, other cars were parked by other colleagues.
In the late afternoon I had called the guard, alarmed by the entry booth:
"Look who have rejected the car ...."
Thought: "We have a hawk to guard."
Word: "Look, is more than a week that have rejected me ...."
"No no, now now ...."
Briefly, not to disprove.
boy and girl had decided to exchange effusions, apparently having already bet my sderenata Simca.
And we had stopped against.
The girl had her head smashed the front windshield, breaking down completely, and the boy, a hit in the chest and so much fear.
My poor car, bisderenata was over against the front of her.
If I'd been inside, I would chop into a sandwich.
Conclusion: For the backside I was caught by two insurance companies, for the front by one.
Well, at least I had the expenses saved.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Indian Frequencies Of Channels And Sattelites

is night four

The known

Fra e'fug dl'aröla
and mouth and Camen
curiêndul'd falug
and stasêva to gala
is'impiêva, is'amurtêva
comma lózal
Chel zuga to gnascundëla
Brother the high Spiga.

faza e tla dla
note of the gratusa Stel
the fasêva the gatózal
the hair you gave ZIL
par e 'heart
insunlì sun.

The silénzi
sure the comma was polished
e are dolz
of every Burdel.

Ti mur dla ca
and words go off the flame dla
j'era coz lona
to spas in the you bur.

What mumént
the Cavel
mama and shifts by magic
culôr de grȃn,
Ôn mantel d'Or
Sora to the shovel.

Rosa 'd vargógna,
coma to sofi
prem de amor,
them the Zerche
the man de on old,
incorporated chêlda
UDOR et d'bushels.

(Anonymous - 1981)

For those unfamiliar with the full moon, the cat has read thus:

It is night

Among the fire in the hearth
and the mouth of the chimney
the confetti sparks
stay afloat
kindled, went out like fireflies
playing hide and seek
between the ears of corn.

And on the face of the night
the grating of the stars
the skin of the sky
to awaken the heart
sleepy of the sun.

The voice of silence
was clean
as sweet sleep
of each child.

on the walls of the house
bare words
the thorns of the flame
were broken moon
a walk in the dark.

At that moment
mother's hair
returned Enchanted
a cloak of gold
above the shoulder.

Red shame
as the breath
of first love, she tried
the hand of his old
still hot
smell of the barn.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

How Long Is Sausage Good For?


We were married, had still included the 850 Spyder.
We found lodging in a country of the belt, a brand new building, so much so that the furniture, bought at a regular rate, we had brought in the new house going on the marble steps still covered with straw mixed with lime to prevent them from ruining both builders still at work, which traslocanti clumsy. Before
furniture, cleaning of floors and traces of lime, packed lunch, with sandwiches and beer. The
good time for me was the morning.
The head lady went on to become the afternoon, I reached in the evening to work, and we returned all'alloggetto furnished, nest provisional pending the final one.
The nap after a sandwich and beer, in the bath, wrapped a sweater for a pillow.
The job was about fifteen miles, a road lined by fields with few houses here and there, I brought to the city center.
same way for years. Only in winter, snow or ice, I prefer a middle course, more traffic, but also more polished. In the street
Campagnola, the advantage was almost no traffic, the big drawback was the slippery frost and fog.

At that time, two incidentucoli.

Without the stop, look left waiting for the passage of oncoming cars.
A guy behind, he looked to the left, perhaps to have more visual, he decided that he and the stop line was empty.
mutual exchange of courtesies, for me, he would have to look 'even' in front, for him, just I should not be there, stop at the stop sign.
Luckily he was insured, left fixed.

The second, due to fog.
the afternoon, going to work, it could happen, that there was the sun.
the evening in spring autumn winter, in contrast with the sunny days, often there was fog and mist I mean when I say that the cream is transparent glass.
in the city, leaving the job, the phenomenon was absent, perhaps reduced by the currents of air between buildings, which dissolved in the first form.
That was a night of fog-mist.
Even outside the city, found the wall, I should go back and go for the alternative road, certainly more clear.
he did I would have less to tell, causing disappointment in the reader. So
eyes squeezed, window down so as not to tarnish the windows, head almost out looking for a glimmer of white stripe on the pavement and ... more people!
A cross, which displayed more insight.
Beyond the intersection, crossed hundreds of times, I had not noticed that there was a phone booth. Just
corner, cemented on the right.
I had not noticed her in broad daylight, I could notice it in the middle of fog?
fact, although I went to no more than a hundred an hour, I went to fight against them, in full.
Accurate: the hundred meters were, at the time. Evidently
was cemented with spit, because, with the Bottarelli had fallen.
And if I say I do not want cut down like the tower of Pisa, I understand more fully the value that is given to that term.
According to the Highway Code then in force, I had to stop and administer first aid to a dying car.
Instead I said the usual "damn!" With plenty of edge, I put the gear back down from gradinetto, and, this time going to fifty meters per hour, I was gone.
In the fog, of course.
Damage to car: little or nothing.
The story now, because I know that both the damage claim that the wrongful death, after a century are deleted from the prescription.
Besides, the cabins are deleting all: I helped a few years earlier.

We still feel, if you like.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Connect Ipod To Command Mercedes


I would have done,
would be a grin,
but tonight I need
a real smile.
I paid very well
a double,
for a smile
asked me to the moon.
The moon I gave him,
Taurus has a win,
and this is the party!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Texte Seasons Greetings Englisch

The glorious "500" I had colleague sbolognata a novice, that within a year had sent for scrapping. With
Fulvia, as described in the first chapter, rather than incidents were accidents.
I brought the duck (because of the color yellow duckbill, a little 'rospesca like appearance) in the workshop, for routine maintenance: oil change motor control pills, various levels
... I went to collect it in the evening, almost at the Closing the workshop, because a portion of the sliding gate was already underway.
To exit, muzzle forward, I had presented the classic dilemma that presents itself every time you have to go in space delimited too: go / no go, but yes I had taken that step ...
measures to perfection, can not go wrong. In fact, the
driver's side had gone great.
had passed a cicinin not great, even the passenger side would go free.
the height of the door handle on the right, there was a kind of punch that came out of the gate frame, perhaps as a joint in the same gate at the time of closing.
Diagnosis: a small hole about two inches, which had pierced the body without damaging the handle and lock.
The infamous "What the fuck are you doing?" I think I have followed on this occasion.
I decided, since the overall integrity of the car was not in danger, not to bring in the body.
(Also because I realized and mechanical and body at the time of the account, did not consider the damage, evaluate, from time to time, as the half fell within the "normal." The Fulvia was considered quite unusual that we can kick a bit 'more of the hand could be a bum, but if you had a duty you paid Fulvia).
I decided to treat the wound in my own way: a lump of cloth to close the hole, held in place by two strips of tape crossed.
Better to go from geek to be extravagant.
The second accident, Final highway speed, little more than that ... discrete
Maybe if it were not for that "little more than" the engine would not melt. First shots
cough, more and more violent, then the smoke from the hood, I had made it clear that the poor woman had come to an end. Terminus located on the first pitch useful. Far
redo the engine would cost me almost like buying a new one.

Still I was not married, so I opted for a "850 Spyder" Agnelli always, always second-hand.
Verdone dark.
With this nothing incident, apart from a broken right front wheel of the cup seal.
Like all pseudo-sports cars, this one had a height almost symbolic.
But the road where the trouble had happened would have blown up the seal even a tractor.
August, holidays, sea.
Day Fourteen.
With that it was my love (later promoted to a better half, then aligned with my lady, finally became the mast step that still is), we decided to rise from the sea coast within a country.
By coincidence, in that country his parents lived.
elderly, but still smart.
It was to cover ten miles, a road made entirely of curves. It was not paved, and even dirt: the curves of the road had a worthy competitor in the same hole. But not
hole golf course; were chasms in the ground, and were occasionally caused by a recent flood: holes were very natural to categorize as "heritage humanity, "as were the expression of an antediluvian past.
I had not counted, we do, at a guess, they were fifteen thousand (and going down): 14,999 I had avoided in any order. A
no: combination, the pit just killer.
recap: Aug. 14, cup seal playing in a semi-mountainous country, which in addition to the pines (and cypresses of the cemetery) I was living by selling the skins of wolves, because there could be another
... And not even the consolation of a " What more do you want from life? "which was not yet ascended to the glory of the spot.
If there had been more than a bitter, I would have thought ten feet of rope and a tree branch
robust ... Nevertheless, the next day, August 15, the brother of my amoruccio was down to the marina with a kind of scooter, he found the cup, and was able to fix the car.
's one of those times that one wonders why humans are divided into two main genders: if we were all unibisessuati, this would be a good opportunity to ask her to marry his brother instead of her sister, who was with cabbage never been able to change the cup seal on the fifteenth day of every August.

I thought of a shorter Capitoline, instead I spilled a little.
Patience, I refer to a neighbor below.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Powerblock Vs Gold Gym

The left three years in luck

Tonight there is a difficult game for a lot of reasons.
that there are no easy games, but the sooner it is always the hardest.
And since the 90 th minute of the recovery are more dangerous than those who are thinking intensely and angrily, with bad luck, we who, by long experience, we believe the bad luck, we try to pretend not to believe with this messaggino superstitious.

The luck

The bad luck or not there is, for me there is,
and if there is, the wearer is pure,
and the wearer has the snout of all sorts,
; beautiful, ugly, foreign, it is not known.
Anything but black cat and stumbled!
But you know it is not comforting,
compartment is the horn, nor the iron is dead,
you nor can the shelves.
Pe 'I give myself a clear thought:
please all the gods and DIY,
grit my teeth and sucked' s bitter
that will not be as sweet coffee.
Do not make me a 'I'm the pupil point:
the kill only the bad luck to you!
Collacchioni Aldo (1981)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

How Long To Recover From Pleurisy And Pneumonia

Semel ...

Recently, in a comment on a post, I found a definition of bloggers who fascinated me.
said, in the heart of the comment: "Bloggers know how to create a mountain from a grain of sand."
In other words: they can create the universe from nothing.
Without the premise, step to the preamble, so turning off that I do not know if I will arrive polished (?) To the core.
begin the languages \u200b\u200band dialects. We have the Italian
as a basis, at least until someone decides that, after the flag, the Italian must also go to the dustbin.
With savings teachers of this subject, which will automatically become useless other arms will return to agriculture, at last!
Connected to the mother tongue, with an umbilical cord in infinite time, there are dialects.
In turn, these are divided in countless other subdialects: every village has its own language, which keeps the base of the main dialects, with changes that seem insignificant, but however that characterize a city, village, or even a fraction of that village.
A example, the first that comes to mind, to address more clearly (?) To the aforementioned core.
In Turin, in Piedmont: a child, a teenager, a younger one, however, is defined as "CIT".
A Cuneo, Piedmont, always, about 80 km towards the south: the same child, the teenager, the youngest, however, is called "CIOT.
A small difference, ridiculously, that still sharply demarcates a distance geographically almost insignificant.
We jump from bough to the pole, so to speak normally.
There are names, surnames, nicknames, aliases ...
And there, perloppiù ignored, "not knowing" or "better not say" middle names.
usually attract only coming out: one or wakes up one morning and declares, urbi and orbi mezzacceccati to have a second name, of knowing from the sixth month of pregnancy, but not to have said first, fearing that the latter name might appear as a form of pseudo-aristocratic snobbery, Hispanic flavor.
can happen, but it's very rare that this second name comingoutato bring to mind the player pure of mind and heart, malacarneèdebole, deliciously different situations from daily grind.
I, the healthy carrier of that middle name, strenuously rejects (oh, how hard!) Combination so hideous: it puts forward her chastity, her seriousness, her virginity.
His holiness.
What then is holiness casserole dish, and how it may be, is this post.
That is only a philological enforcement, which has nothing to do with trantrastiche practices, or whatever defines the relationship between reptiles and holy culturist.
Incidentally, is another coming out : jumping out of a new middle name among bloggers.
( Ocio : do not mess with us and went to see the difference between outing and coming out, before he sent the author of the post to dry clothes, I studied all day apart pressing the grapes, the Roby visited the university to the most appropriate address, renew a license of his wife, the answer to the Italian Post Office to access the site, emptying it does not arrive, reading Perboni , I had nothing to do, so I learned).
This new middle name is something that define radiant is demeaning, because it leads to immediate recall of a face cheerful, warm voice of a fresh, immediately think of Rivers (certainly not the Po, which for some years it is becoming annoying, but does not last long, by dint of ampullary is about to end), boats that go as long as they go, with an invitation to let them go ...
Etcetera etcetera etcetera.
The thought of the comparison between the two middle names arose spontaneously (Marzullo docet ): a first middle name peccadillo a disgrace, a moment of carelessness reconciled by a oval room, and the second middle name, if OK, not even swim (Which, however, the current would float to the mouth, without rage), which gathers acclaim from loving mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers, great-grandfather and also from tivvù.
a vast difference between the two sottonomi.
The presentations touched to discover this new creature, he added the comment officially but vaguely happy insinuatorio the first "second name", thrown casually in the meal blog.
with false nonchalance and pretended to modernize the new "middle name" competitor, has shortened, as is, for example, with John becoming Gio ', with Julius becomes Giu', and so on.
This new middle name, so short, I was intrigued and went looking for what might have sparked my interest.
So I got to say that Latin (language) that talks about something, I do not remember if bucatini cappelletti dumplings or anything else that abound in stultorum HOURS.
So in and around Rome.
On the coast, at Anzio, had spoken Latin pure, up to a landing of illegal immigrants coming over the ocean is not well defined.
Welcomed with open arms by the natives in a short time had taken possession of the city, and to create a colony with memories of their origin, had slightly modified the official language, with minor variations that change the speech without altering the meaning.
They had created a custom dialect.
So, again for example, those dumplings bucatini cappelletti ended abundant in ORY stultorum.
With the same basic meaning.
However I could not find an acceptable link between them in two "middle names" of which I treated.
Patience has been a search with no reference made to pass the time, totally unnecessary and an end in itself.
may be that some remarks of enlightened minds and open arrivals clues?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Drinking Tea While Fasting

Atelier d'art in Italian

 Jaonnard Pascale, art historian, offers a Thursday afternoon workshop 
of "exploring the art" for children from two years.
Reading a short story (by Bruno Munari, for example) is followed by a manual
focusing on the theme of the story and time to
develop in children a different way of looking at what surrounds
(ne pas regarder ailleurs, regarder autrement).
currently in French, the studios will also be made
in Italian, at least in reading the story. It brought an atelier
Free Trial THURSDAY October 14 to 17 .
projects may follow the bilingual workshop (10
annual subscription of € + 40 € a series of four workshops).
For more information:

Osteosclerosis Of Osteoarthritis

was the September 8 ...

... but long before I had gone to the library to reserve a book, to be released at a global level was precisely planned the eighth of September, tests passed.
title, author, publisher, I had not told the price for not appearing too sapientone.
This library is frequented by luminaries of the classical, the science of tourism of the linguistic and dell'alberghiero.
I went in the late evening to avoid to be looked at with disdain or even contempt with elegant, from the plethora of lofty minds, to hear a title that is not (be) present in the Olympus Scientific.
I had the opportunity to express my concern for the choice of a childbirth book set for September 8, which brings to mind a glorious day is not really of our recent past.
editorial choice, not negotiable.
addition to the ominous date, the release coincided with the so-called "school", the selection and preparation of books for the upcoming start of the new school year.
crowd of mothers, fathers, uncles, grandparents, regularly accompanied by their shoots: the eight volumes were presented in the book, when the school would open its doors on thirteen. Our
, complete with a down payment, we had booked by August 24. List-books withdrawn secretary, printed, stamped ...
After that date, so the other day as well, by word of mouth between friends, you will learn about changes in titles, editions, cancellations or reversals.
A late summer spent in the library. In that library.
stoically in line to have audience with the bookseller, to feel every time to grumble and accuse the books already ordered "our" disorganization.
Otto September: back row rowdy and laggards:
"should be released Perle, Perboni, Rizzoli ...."
"Yes, I think it is high, but I have not had time to open all the packages, see how they are taken with the schools?".
I see it, I will return later.
8th September to early October of "later" I'll have made a dozen.
The last, already seeing the door, had extended his arms
"I have not opened the other packages, they are busy with 'service' families for school. Have a little 'patience ... ".
In the meantime, the entire peninsula, the islands and their former colonies already had in our hands the blessed book, you could hear the laughter from the Alps to the Pyramids, even from L'Aquila, which has absolutely no reason to laugh you could hear muffled giggle, at least for a while distracted by the well-known troubles in the area.
In short, (a characteristic already universally riconosciutami), returning home, I logged on at home Rizzoli, I ordered the volume (due to little practice in these operations was to send the order for 5 books, not knowing correct as I did to disconnect from the Internet, calling it again with the exact order. Distant but clear, like an echo reinforced, I was buzzing in the ear a "damn!", Of which I have not been able to understand or why or wherefore).
Today, October 7, the courier handed me the book.
regularly paid cash.
This booklet was blessed by now been so long that I had prepared a mode of reading that was safe from burglary.
In the bathroom, the cabinet, the prohibition of disturbance during the sessions.
The only place on the whole, that will block attempts to disorder, or continuous and often put in place just for the sake of breaking.
We have two bathrooms, if one had been occupied by me, the only time limit of fatigue on the buttocks, it took an invitation to use the other bathroom.
If one is busy, not by me that are not ubiquitous, but by another person, in case of urgency, there is always the garden ...
Ore 13.45: The young duck back from school.
"Ro ', the book arrived ...."
"Ah, well, where is it?".
"In bath here. "
(To simplify and to know which bathroom from time to time we refer, is a 'this side of the bath', the other truism is 'beyond the bathroom').
Cumshots to the bathroom, return to the table, it's time to eat.
The first laugh at the "generation cattle lying," perhaps did not understand that we are talking of his generation.
Amatriciana the plate, two wires ...
Risatissima: "Listen to this ...."
Another thread of pasta, swallowed with the book open in her lap, another laugh: "You feel that ...".
I must point out that this duck can not smile or laugh at the all or nothing.
and burst of laughter that can not be ignored, because they fall off their chair at every explosion.
Before getting to the second, I had already read the fourth book, jumping a bit 'a little' there, not to mention the last cover page of the cover: a year-end has the maturity, I think she will have cause "to pray" as Lucia.
I recovered "my" book and I think that often, syrup, I find myself thinking "this one I've heard ...
To conclude, in rendering the stolen goods:
"When we finished, I have to bring the prof Berxxxx ..."
"Why her?".
"Why do you want to appear more 'bitch' (who have taken this term, just do not know), he has already read 'Pearls before swine' and it is sganasciata.
Then he bullshit, because when I talked about the competition, I had spent a little thing that, while fun, I had not considered the height of competition.
I promised to enter into a post this, to make her happy, and also I am not forced to go into the 'bath beyond' because that 'this side' is occupied by her.
It would be perfectly capable.

At school, his wife Martina, past, scannuccia his diary, he sees a symbol circled OMG (Oh My God).
Martina: "What do you mean?".
Roby: "Like, I do not know."
Martina: "Of course I know what you think: Regional Genetic Modification."

Have pity on the cat, until next time do not do it anymore.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Big Bucket Margarita Kaufen

Pictures September

Braving the cold and the threat of rain, Sunday, September 26 the brave children of Lyon went to the Parc ChaZie mothers dragging their lazy and sleepy daddy.

Lucia, Heloise and Andrew on stage
Melissa with her mother Michelle, Andrea and Antoine with their dad Lionel