Saturday, October 9, 2010

How Long To Recover From Pleurisy And Pneumonia

Semel ...

Recently, in a comment on a post, I found a definition of bloggers who fascinated me.
said, in the heart of the comment: "Bloggers know how to create a mountain from a grain of sand."
In other words: they can create the universe from nothing.
Without the premise, step to the preamble, so turning off that I do not know if I will arrive polished (?) To the core.
begin the languages \u200b\u200band dialects. We have the Italian
as a basis, at least until someone decides that, after the flag, the Italian must also go to the dustbin.
With savings teachers of this subject, which will automatically become useless other arms will return to agriculture, at last!
Connected to the mother tongue, with an umbilical cord in infinite time, there are dialects.
In turn, these are divided in countless other subdialects: every village has its own language, which keeps the base of the main dialects, with changes that seem insignificant, but however that characterize a city, village, or even a fraction of that village.
A example, the first that comes to mind, to address more clearly (?) To the aforementioned core.
In Turin, in Piedmont: a child, a teenager, a younger one, however, is defined as "CIT".
A Cuneo, Piedmont, always, about 80 km towards the south: the same child, the teenager, the youngest, however, is called "CIOT.
A small difference, ridiculously, that still sharply demarcates a distance geographically almost insignificant.
We jump from bough to the pole, so to speak normally.
There are names, surnames, nicknames, aliases ...
And there, perloppiù ignored, "not knowing" or "better not say" middle names.
usually attract only coming out: one or wakes up one morning and declares, urbi and orbi mezzacceccati to have a second name, of knowing from the sixth month of pregnancy, but not to have said first, fearing that the latter name might appear as a form of pseudo-aristocratic snobbery, Hispanic flavor.
can happen, but it's very rare that this second name comingoutato bring to mind the player pure of mind and heart, malacarneèdebole, deliciously different situations from daily grind.
I, the healthy carrier of that middle name, strenuously rejects (oh, how hard!) Combination so hideous: it puts forward her chastity, her seriousness, her virginity.
His holiness.
What then is holiness casserole dish, and how it may be, is this post.
That is only a philological enforcement, which has nothing to do with trantrastiche practices, or whatever defines the relationship between reptiles and holy culturist.
Incidentally, is another coming out : jumping out of a new middle name among bloggers.
( Ocio : do not mess with us and went to see the difference between outing and coming out, before he sent the author of the post to dry clothes, I studied all day apart pressing the grapes, the Roby visited the university to the most appropriate address, renew a license of his wife, the answer to the Italian Post Office to access the site, emptying it does not arrive, reading Perboni , I had nothing to do, so I learned).
This new middle name is something that define radiant is demeaning, because it leads to immediate recall of a face cheerful, warm voice of a fresh, immediately think of Rivers (certainly not the Po, which for some years it is becoming annoying, but does not last long, by dint of ampullary is about to end), boats that go as long as they go, with an invitation to let them go ...
Etcetera etcetera etcetera.
The thought of the comparison between the two middle names arose spontaneously (Marzullo docet ): a first middle name peccadillo a disgrace, a moment of carelessness reconciled by a oval room, and the second middle name, if OK, not even swim (Which, however, the current would float to the mouth, without rage), which gathers acclaim from loving mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers, great-grandfather and also from tivvù.
a vast difference between the two sottonomi.
The presentations touched to discover this new creature, he added the comment officially but vaguely happy insinuatorio the first "second name", thrown casually in the meal blog.
with false nonchalance and pretended to modernize the new "middle name" competitor, has shortened, as is, for example, with John becoming Gio ', with Julius becomes Giu', and so on.
This new middle name, so short, I was intrigued and went looking for what might have sparked my interest.
So I got to say that Latin (language) that talks about something, I do not remember if bucatini cappelletti dumplings or anything else that abound in stultorum HOURS.
So in and around Rome.
On the coast, at Anzio, had spoken Latin pure, up to a landing of illegal immigrants coming over the ocean is not well defined.
Welcomed with open arms by the natives in a short time had taken possession of the city, and to create a colony with memories of their origin, had slightly modified the official language, with minor variations that change the speech without altering the meaning.
They had created a custom dialect.
So, again for example, those dumplings bucatini cappelletti ended abundant in ORY stultorum.
With the same basic meaning.
However I could not find an acceptable link between them in two "middle names" of which I treated.
Patience has been a search with no reference made to pass the time, totally unnecessary and an end in itself.
may be that some remarks of enlightened minds and open arrivals clues?


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