Thursday, October 14, 2010

How Long Is Sausage Good For?


We were married, had still included the 850 Spyder.
We found lodging in a country of the belt, a brand new building, so much so that the furniture, bought at a regular rate, we had brought in the new house going on the marble steps still covered with straw mixed with lime to prevent them from ruining both builders still at work, which traslocanti clumsy. Before
furniture, cleaning of floors and traces of lime, packed lunch, with sandwiches and beer. The
good time for me was the morning.
The head lady went on to become the afternoon, I reached in the evening to work, and we returned all'alloggetto furnished, nest provisional pending the final one.
The nap after a sandwich and beer, in the bath, wrapped a sweater for a pillow.
The job was about fifteen miles, a road lined by fields with few houses here and there, I brought to the city center.
same way for years. Only in winter, snow or ice, I prefer a middle course, more traffic, but also more polished. In the street
Campagnola, the advantage was almost no traffic, the big drawback was the slippery frost and fog.

At that time, two incidentucoli.

Without the stop, look left waiting for the passage of oncoming cars.
A guy behind, he looked to the left, perhaps to have more visual, he decided that he and the stop line was empty.
mutual exchange of courtesies, for me, he would have to look 'even' in front, for him, just I should not be there, stop at the stop sign.
Luckily he was insured, left fixed.

The second, due to fog.
the afternoon, going to work, it could happen, that there was the sun.
the evening in spring autumn winter, in contrast with the sunny days, often there was fog and mist I mean when I say that the cream is transparent glass.
in the city, leaving the job, the phenomenon was absent, perhaps reduced by the currents of air between buildings, which dissolved in the first form.
That was a night of fog-mist.
Even outside the city, found the wall, I should go back and go for the alternative road, certainly more clear.
he did I would have less to tell, causing disappointment in the reader. So
eyes squeezed, window down so as not to tarnish the windows, head almost out looking for a glimmer of white stripe on the pavement and ... more people!
A cross, which displayed more insight.
Beyond the intersection, crossed hundreds of times, I had not noticed that there was a phone booth. Just
corner, cemented on the right.
I had not noticed her in broad daylight, I could notice it in the middle of fog?
fact, although I went to no more than a hundred an hour, I went to fight against them, in full.
Accurate: the hundred meters were, at the time. Evidently
was cemented with spit, because, with the Bottarelli had fallen.
And if I say I do not want cut down like the tower of Pisa, I understand more fully the value that is given to that term.
According to the Highway Code then in force, I had to stop and administer first aid to a dying car.
Instead I said the usual "damn!" With plenty of edge, I put the gear back down from gradinetto, and, this time going to fifty meters per hour, I was gone.
In the fog, of course.
Damage to car: little or nothing.
The story now, because I know that both the damage claim that the wrongful death, after a century are deleted from the prescription.
Besides, the cabins are deleting all: I helped a few years earlier.

We still feel, if you like.


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