Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Texte Seasons Greetings Englisch

The glorious "500" I had colleague sbolognata a novice, that within a year had sent for scrapping. With
Fulvia, as described in the first chapter, rather than incidents were accidents.
I brought the duck (because of the color yellow duckbill, a little 'rospesca like appearance) in the workshop, for routine maintenance: oil change motor control pills, various levels
... I went to collect it in the evening, almost at the Closing the workshop, because a portion of the sliding gate was already underway.
To exit, muzzle forward, I had presented the classic dilemma that presents itself every time you have to go in space delimited too: go / no go, but yes I had taken that step ...
measures to perfection, can not go wrong. In fact, the
driver's side had gone great.
had passed a cicinin not great, even the passenger side would go free.
the height of the door handle on the right, there was a kind of punch that came out of the gate frame, perhaps as a joint in the same gate at the time of closing.
Diagnosis: a small hole about two inches, which had pierced the body without damaging the handle and lock.
The infamous "What the fuck are you doing?" I think I have followed on this occasion.
I decided, since the overall integrity of the car was not in danger, not to bring in the body.
(Also because I realized and mechanical and body at the time of the account, did not consider the damage, evaluate, from time to time, as the half fell within the "normal." The Fulvia was considered quite unusual that we can kick a bit 'more of the hand could be a bum, but if you had a duty you paid Fulvia).
I decided to treat the wound in my own way: a lump of cloth to close the hole, held in place by two strips of tape crossed.
Better to go from geek to be extravagant.
The second accident, Final highway speed, little more than that ... discrete
Maybe if it were not for that "little more than" the engine would not melt. First shots
cough, more and more violent, then the smoke from the hood, I had made it clear that the poor woman had come to an end. Terminus located on the first pitch useful. Far
redo the engine would cost me almost like buying a new one.

Still I was not married, so I opted for a "850 Spyder" Agnelli always, always second-hand.
Verdone dark.
With this nothing incident, apart from a broken right front wheel of the cup seal.
Like all pseudo-sports cars, this one had a height almost symbolic.
But the road where the trouble had happened would have blown up the seal even a tractor.
August, holidays, sea.
Day Fourteen.
With that it was my love (later promoted to a better half, then aligned with my lady, finally became the mast step that still is), we decided to rise from the sea coast within a country.
By coincidence, in that country his parents lived.
elderly, but still smart.
It was to cover ten miles, a road made entirely of curves. It was not paved, and even dirt: the curves of the road had a worthy competitor in the same hole. But not
hole golf course; were chasms in the ground, and were occasionally caused by a recent flood: holes were very natural to categorize as "heritage humanity, "as were the expression of an antediluvian past.
I had not counted, we do, at a guess, they were fifteen thousand (and going down): 14,999 I had avoided in any order. A
no: combination, the pit just killer.
recap: Aug. 14, cup seal playing in a semi-mountainous country, which in addition to the pines (and cypresses of the cemetery) I was living by selling the skins of wolves, because there could be another
... And not even the consolation of a " What more do you want from life? "which was not yet ascended to the glory of the spot.
If there had been more than a bitter, I would have thought ten feet of rope and a tree branch
robust ... Nevertheless, the next day, August 15, the brother of my amoruccio was down to the marina with a kind of scooter, he found the cup, and was able to fix the car.
's one of those times that one wonders why humans are divided into two main genders: if we were all unibisessuati, this would be a good opportunity to ask her to marry his brother instead of her sister, who was with cabbage never been able to change the cup seal on the fifteenth day of every August.

I thought of a shorter Capitoline, instead I spilled a little.
Patience, I refer to a neighbor below.


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