Thursday, December 30, 2010

What Is Full-board Means

How to watch movies in a legal and

The biggest obstacle to overcome in see a good movie is the fact of free copyright. The copyright is the 'trademark' of any type of product, and is a violation of copyright if this is being distributed without consent. So
in essence, 'is not illegal to use programs that allow you to download movies, songs or whatever, but lies in download. This seems a paradox.
To resolve this problem, there are two cases: either you are looking for programs that provide even non-copyrighted files (ie with the consent of the 'owner' of the object in question), or use the vision streaming. Why streaming playback is legal?
Simple. The copyrights are in most cases legally purchased from the site that will provide, therefore obtaining the clearance from the owner. In this blog you will find links that take you directly to sites where you can view the free of charge.
is a different story of the trailer, it is possible to publish, unless it is for purposes of profit. Even films that are still out in theaters. Here are just a sample :

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Best Friend Rings Claires


I have limited time,

greetings I get them from here,

sooner or later come to everyone,

many others is never enough.

They are good for health,

are good for the wallet,

are good for calm,

in family and society;

should be good for politics,

but I see it very hard,

is a genre which is now just afraid

(and disgusting).

The important thing is that the bridge

not ever wave O'er the white flag.



Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Anorexia Recovery Metabolism

free movies to watch free streaming on megavideo

With all these possibilities download over the Internet, not only the world of international music to be in crisis. In recent years, has significantly also increased the number of download movies, documentaries and television series . The advantages of the internet in this case are more than tangible, not just the new media allow download more easily, quickly and (almost always) free , but the number of titles is always increasing. There are no production costs, there are no space problems. problem that affects the video stores instead , the costs are high and revenues are becoming less exits. Will be destined to disappear? And the DVD and the new technologies of vision in 3D?

Certainly that the vision in the possibility of streaming watch any movie at any time . Even the limits that could meet with the vision through Megavideo seem outdated, you can look up the video link and watch it through another site to view free movie . The list of these sites is long and will grow more and more.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wording Congrats Best Friend Having Baby

A previous peace for the woman

Peace is sought by all, in words very
cited with heart and love.
Someone to please her and she hopes there, but
longer it goes on, this is a chimera.
to defend peace becomes war, people killed
going underground.
We are all armed, all in defense,
look askance at his outstretched hand.
with stones or blades or bombers kill
peace, today as yesterday.
Millanta dead bring home the message
'rest in peace', but the peace is over.
And this peace, the cat is praying
calls at once.

But there is a peace that you dream,
is that of the senses, no one craves.
You play only one game with the ball
running, fast, looking for his clone.
You go down the field, ninety minutes, or
am ninety years, those experiences.
Then there's the recovery, then the supplements, the more time passes more
are heavy.
Then, without pause, there are penalties,
to burn, stunted, the last fires. You can try the
pastiglietta, for
make one more, but it matters little.
Maybe you still can enjoy
but is no longer the same pleasure.
No more love to give the push, only
chemistry provides the grit.
Proceed to the coin toss, heads or tails
is no longer matter.
There is also the risk of ' doping
is positive if you have to do outing.
It 's always a source of pride to be manly, but with the help
becomes childish.
The referee blows his whistle, the time has expired,
step is uncertain, the hoary head.
It leaves the field to end the game, there is another
race, this is over.
It goes away, there is a layer of earth,
peace is achieved, the war is over. For this peace
the cat has a date, to the Greek Kalends
be postponed.

pregaiolo Photo of the cat has been stolen, with the agreement,
blog from "Cats and misdeeds" of Mamit,
whom I thank, hug and kiss and cuddle natalinevolmente .

The dedication, strictly anagram, is LABEL

Monday, December 13, 2010

Birthdaywishes For A Boss

Donna, I scan your eyes with hope,

changed from a past of fear,

you always wanted to weak

always a slave of God, that man was.

It never stopped it your way,

since you were also there, alone,

where Christ himself bloodless

decided to breathe in this land,

but you, you are left with the burden,

continue to worship this dead face.

And nobody wanted to listen to your message,

and yet not one t'arrendevi,

left a caress, a son who died,

kissed on the forehead that left a husband,

and the agony of your grief,

continuasti to mend that sheet.

And your tears, your anger,

anyone ever felt sorry,

burned as a witch in a square,

stoned to the anger of a husband,

faceless gang-raped.

There is no justice in this story,

there is a history, which over time turns,

but not change or not to do so.

And that woman, in the darkness of a room,

caresses on her belly, her Baby

hopes that future, she is carrying,

always know where he was born,

because he knows, that if God himself

born man, was always a woman to her past.

Gosefe, July 20, 2009

For today post I had not foreseen, then I found this video, which made me get blood in my eyes. Yesterday, wandering among the blogs, I stumbled upon that of Joy, The truth, please, Love , talking about violence against women. I wanted to bring him here to publicize its reading, a little 'later, but this video has subverted my plans. There is talk of murderous violence, referring to events of recent madness. Violence is not only murderous madness, violence is any act injurious to the next, worse if facing the woman. It is not a matter of race or color, one that shows the movie is an insult to the only race that exists in the earth: the human race. Who do I call to law go to the link of Joy, adding the two forms of violence, and do battle to the death against it. I'm with Brown when she believes the Holy Grail of mankind, and curse anyone, by any means, nor the violent sacred.

forgot: the woman was sentenced to fifty lashes because she was wearing 'indecent clothing', defined as such trousers or short skirts. E 'insignificant in judging the absurd violence, but was whipped without having had a trial, and the two "brave" that they were policemen punished.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Maxi Mounds Shower Outside

Feast of the Epiphany

Children in Lyon will be present at the feast of the Epiphany Comites organized by the Lyon (Comité des Italiens à l'étranger) on 9 January 2011 to 15 .

At the House of Italy
82 rue du Dauphiné 69003 Lyon

NB Free entry must be booked at 04 72 12 17 60 (14h00-17h00 Monday to Friday).

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Fiber Optics Poinsettia

Le temps du Comte bilingual ... in Italian!

Wednesday 15 December at 10:30 Agnes is a reading in Italian at the library of the 4th arrondissement / Croix-Rousse at animation Temps du Comte bilingual (from 5 years).

The reading will be followed by a snack! :)

Bibliothèque du fourth
12 bis rue de Cuire
69004 Lyon

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Do Cervical Polyps Shrink

I stole a flower

Hair I still have them all, or almost.
Supreme insult to my faith grenade, are blacks and whites, salt and pepper, grizzled say cheerfully.
said (the Hon.?) Verdini, reported to the President of the Republic, ergo I can say, referring to my hair: who cares!
I'm going to tell an episode of my flower period, which may have contributed on snow in my hair.
had come into the store to order a husband and wife for a dead pillow. It was not to be a relative or close or near or far, why not appeared much grieved at the passing.
For what little experience I had seemed most annoyed the 'duty' to share in that loss.
weighed subjects, I proposed an alternative to the Pillow, a puff , which would then be a round cushions that are required and in spending.
Single flowers, ribbon adequate written basic, affordable without worries.
were pricked in their pain so that if I had suggested to drop the flowers in their place by offering a hug of consolation to the relatives, they would have gladly picked up the board. Taken
order, made puff, with the usual handyman Simchetta I had brought to their destination, the morgue of a hospital in the city.
The mortuary is a kind of deposit, where the corpses are awaiting the subsequent to their arrangement in the crates and start 'mortuary'.
do not know if readers have ever had the opportunity, I will not say frequently, but only to pass, maybe by accident or necessity.
For those who do not know, know I'm a cold and desolate without equal. It has a lot to say there, or in similar places, we finirci everyone visiting from the live reaction is spontaneous cold shiver.
And I'm not shivering from cold.
This room was situated in a kind of basement, the door wide open, lighting the limit dell'inciampo.
Outside, a courtyard, desert.
Inside, a series of long marble tables a wall, the size of single beds, each one was lying on a corpse, covered with a sheet.
A plate of cardboard attached with adhesive tape at the foot of plank, with the data of the former living for prompt tracing by the employees of the funeral.
Along the wall in front of these 'beds', there was a shelf along with various equipment, piles of linen, cotton bags and other non-detectable. In
local, more or less still alive, I was there.
and 'them'.
found my 'client', I had deposited puff at the foot of her bed and was about to leave.
leave and euphemistic, more accurate would be 'to escape'.
But it was not a day for a flight, however inglorious: the corner of my eye I had 'appeared' to see something that had moved onto the shelf tools.
(The cat is a distant relative of the rabbit, is also the case when the hare has a different, perhaps curiosity, which is superimposed to FIFA and the speed of flight, gives you a courage that usually did not).
I looked better, and everything seemed quiet.
The beat of the heart, meanwhile, was reduced to a minimum, convinced that the movement was the result of stupid fantasy, nourished by the environment, I was away ...
No, dammit, something was moving on that shelf!
not tell me I made him just because everything about me had shrunk so as not to allow any kind of bodily movements.
throat, heart, stomach, intestine and toileting ... all blocked channels.
The temptation was very strong in a stampede, but it was more curiosity.
had identified in semi-darkness, the precise point of that movement.
I had approached a cover, lying on that table in long, holding out his hand to lift it, this was again agitated, to my subsequent start.
But now I could not go back.
Sollevatala, from beneath a bird had flown away, terrified in turn, almost urtandomi escape.
No time to ask how it was done down there.
It was the first blow in a nervous system already made pudding.
The second was the discovery, under the cover of the little body of a child, a creature that perhaps he had had time to see what kind of world was over, and he preferred to say 'thanks, I'll step out and I '.
strongly shaken (if you read 'shocked', know that you have not been affected by an attack dyslexia is the real truth of my state of mind at that moment, and for several long moments later), I had gone through the combination of the mind sparrow with the soul of that child, finally free, flew into the sky.
I thought about it long after, remembering.
Story, and after so many years I can even smile, thinking about the sparrow spaventagatti, but his eyes are swollen, as then. I went to my
puff, I had taken a flower, a small white gerbera (which is like a big daisy), and receiving placed under the cover next to the little creature, now the ex.
I am sure that my 'client' will be taken if not bad for an innocent pilferage.
fact, I like to think we have found ourselves in a great green meadow dotted with flowers, and that the child has returned, thanking him for the loan.
not have gone months or years, many decades have passed, but that child, that sparrow and the gerbera are still in me, I have assimilated, and when it is time, bring them with me, than 'that' goal.

Friday, December 3, 2010

´pokemon Soul Silver Anti Freeze Patch Us


I saw
slender blade of grass bent by the breeze of life
as dawn rose,
withstand winters
blacks and long nights with no sky.

I saw fragile shrub
bent by the winds of a storm unleashed
chase distant horizons
and ephemeral hopes of tomorrow.

I saw tree branches spread strongman
in the blue toward the sun, to protect
slender blades of grass overlooking the threshold of life.

I see venerable oak
appear strong men in transit
beyond the visible. But
opaque echo bouncing, rumbling
deaf to the beak of the woodpecker ...

and ... hear the footsteps of the woodcutter.

Campiselli Roberto Angelo (1981)

Dedicated to all the cutters of the trade: who cut funds to the blind, who heads cut loose, who cuts in salaries and pensions, cut health care to those who forgot the people who died, who cuts the school because ignorance create consensus ..... for all the loggers must go. For them, too.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Path Który Widać Co Gracze Piszą W Cs

Miniclub anglais

For children aged 5 to 11 years a series of meetings organized by the Italian Cultural.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Binding Warm Sauce Non Carb

Meeting November

Hello everyone!

Saturday, November 27 at 10:30 am to

Monday, November 22, 2010

Herpes And The Stomach


Anturium red
The Simca 1100, refurbished with the ass, he was performing his job with honor, apart from the two nasty business, I do not remember ever left on the street. If it happened, was for little things, to remind you, however, was only a machine.
Between dawn flower market, deliveries in the country, in cities and everywhere humanly attainable, she was earning an honorable destruction, as I now found myself with a bunch to the gallery.
Prior to the sale of the store, as expected in the case of that good thing too, was a success anecdote, which inserts between the incidents, as this was, but not with the machine.
had been murdered in the city an important person.
More than anything else was known by experts in the field.
to say, if before the murder, in a shop or market or on the street, someone had asked who he was so sure the answer would have been a "boh".
Without the 'probably' that usually reveals a doubt about the eventual answer.
After the murder, which was an act of terrorism, his name was up on everyone's lips.
And, as always happens 'after', even if you did not know of its existence, had been affected "a good person."
overcome the above, I have served only to fill the post and to extend it a little, not brevilineo as usual.
also to prevent the editor to save me reproach, as always, on the words, in spite of these cost me nothing.
the shop had been entrusted with the manufacture of a wreath, a major firm, operating in the area of \u200b\u200bthe deceased.
Obviously, a point of honor would make her beautiful, because the competition was fierce in the field, and a mediocre figure would have been hard to bear, commercially speaking.
give us a hand, in case of demanding jobs, there were some friends, living nearby.
There was also a co-worker, who lived in the area, which initially came over to assess the income of the shop for the sake of the flowers themselves.
So if a rose was sold tot lire, was interested in the purchase price and the mark that we were going to apply.
But he did so without malice, just a curiosity that bordered on ficcanasaggio.
However, come today, come tomorrow, he was occasionally involved in the packaging or delivery.
must be said that both he and her friends, it cost a 'thank you', a café, a pizza sometimes, when you stop 'to work' till late evening.
This is to avoid allegations of 'moonlighting' or Chinese.
Returning to the crown: we had 'designed' huge, crammed full of orchids and anthurium catlee red white and green with palm trees that would give a circumference thrilling. A crown
as to raise the dead, if only for the time to see her before returning to his rest. To take
I asked the station wagon the tobacconist's (also involved in the creation), as there was on the Simca.
steady on the roof, support stand tucked inside, I started with my colleague at the time of the funeral, arranged in the lobby of his company.
early arrival, the police outside and even at football matches: still more than justified, the period was really bad.

Anturium white
Inside, near the coffin and the immediate surroundings big people whispering to each other, commenting on the crime, or even talking about their business, as it happens to all the funerals.
We first took the stand, eyeing a space in sight, so that the work of art give good honor the dead and great glory to our store.
square with a little 'hard work the crown, which, in addition to being large, was also pesantina and awkward to maneuver, it was to put the final' touches': arrangement of palms, that during the race were a bit 'move, a few flowers from back in line, control provide us the tape ...
Meanwhile, prominent figures had become a small crowd, so the operations of' system 'had them without too much show, not to disturb the seriousness of the moment.
My colleague on the back of the crown, and through the palm trees looked at the present, trying to identify those known.
I was on the front, where I gave, quietly, the final touches of the artist.
had called him, sottovocissimo, perhaps passing an accessory.
had called him so subdued as to be convinced that he could not heard me.
to do before I started really in the fourth, as they say, to pick up what I needed, forcefully pushing his head between his palms, which were quite stiff. He had heard
And he always do that before, he had plunged head first to come to the front and take what is required.
The total diameter of the crown, including palm trees, it is closer to four feet, so as to allow races with a total area of \u200b\u200btrack cycling.
Now, how many possibilities there might be a violent confrontation in so much space available?
I will not do percentages, because that one possibility was true.

Zucchini flowers
Two pumpkins, slamming against each other with brutal force would be pulped, silently. Our
were not pulped, but they did a bang that the ladies present were people turned to look, perhaps for fear that would be an attack. We were both sitting in
finished floor behind the crown, each trying to replace their boxes cranial massage so crudely.
The situation was clearly dramatic.
had become tragic when, after long minutes, we had a look, one eye at a time, and having taken act of being both survivors, we had laughed.
That laugh is sometimes an alternative to cry. As
suffocated, had resulted in someone coming to the crown a "ssshhh!" Disapprobative the lack of respect towards the deceased and to the authorities present.
Quit now, we could not, so try not to look, to pretend to pay attention to the sermons that meanwhile had begun.
Unfortunately, every now and already thinking provoked giggles.
In those moments of inattention, however, that stifled laugh, a bit 'of good will from those who felt, could be mistaken for sobs stifled by shame in the exhibitions of grief.
sorrow for the dead, of course, pumpkins for our bruised.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How To Operate Prooe4bs Remote Car Starter


I do not believe much in coincidences.
I think that any words spoken or written, always have a reason, when issued, posted or printed. Whether
blessings, or accidents, when they go to 'good' end (especially the latter) puzzle me.
groped To clarify this fog, I'm going to tell an anecdote that 'might' be taken by coincidence, were it not that, as mentioned before, I do not believe in coincidences at all.
Abstract: since last Thursday, the cat disappeared from his blog and comments from friends of other blogs. What
in this period could have fun without cat hair left here and there.
Well, the sigh of relief portatomi by the north wind that haunts my area, it ends here.
Please look at the palm of his left hand stretched, face downwards, raised as high as possible, to make it visible to the referee, the linesmen and the fourth man in this palm is pointing the right index finger, to indicate time, please !

And time to time, we start from the beginning.

Tuesday, November 9, an autumn now said, had entered into an illustrious Prof his blog post indicated that the substance of its depth of thought, already known and appreciated both inside and outside the walls.
That was already well in his post, in describing an operation to limit coprophagy.
To give greater visibility to this its sown, Prof him with a photo that was at odds with his commendable habit of publishing (a figurative support of most of his writings) angelic figures, flowers of our time, in full bloom of their beauty, with curves, niches, canopies and fleshy fleshy pistils.
In short, the best that this world, infamous for the rest, could offer. In
post of which I speak, the camera kit was, to say the least, euphemistically repulsive.

I will say more: it was literally repulsive (see blog Pearls before swine, post Crisis rejection).
Among the favorable comments, the first saying
"This post is really disgusting. I like it. "
and the profane, not to belie his reputation as a fair, appreciated the 'good taste' of commenting.
A little 'below, I expressed my humble opinion on the post, noting the' wickedness' of the picture, in contrast with the habits' flower 'of the illustrious Prof.
adding (ahimé! alas!) that only a "depraved" and the pleasure could imagine that the post in support of this.
A narrow space of the comments, among other considerations, the answer I got was:

"In a little 'cat will miss the' I ', absolutely good taste!" (sic !).

(We all know that sic means "so", paro paro, including all caps).
The first thought: it is possible that a commentadora, just because I took the liberty of adding an affectionate "depraved" to his already countless titles thought of suicide?
Excluding now the unlikely event, I thought
a) I kicked ass in his blog (I bans, as it seems we tell the world bloggaiolo)
b) if somehow pass in my blog, will only come to me for spitting in the eye, on feast days in both.
If both hypotheses were verified, I lit the fire in advance (the time is already on fire 'planted a'), specifically to create a bucket of ashes, and sprinkle it with the two heads available, just to make you forgive me.
For the record, the post of 'blessing' is posted at the fateful 19.58 November 9 quoted above. 10
The same month, on Wednesday, was spent; quiet shadow of the sun had enlivened the day, in contrast to the case in other parts of the country.
Thursday 11: Morning more or less peaceful, more or less blue sky, clouds here and there makes the day almost spring.
afternoon, while doing the usual relaxing nap, suddenly the sky blue when I fell in bed, he was overshadowed by ugly, thunder and lightning in the distance first, then straight over our heads ... It was
water cats and dogs but not for trucks, and hail and wind to be frightening.
I was down in the garage, hoping that the entrance grid was able to dispose of the stream coming down the descent into the interior.
So I watched, helplessly, to direct a mini-tsunami in an instant a dozen feet of water had flooded the garage, entering from under the shutters in the pits.
will lasted a quarter of an hour, then ... the calm after the storm.
I had called his wife, and we were made to fuck ... ...
the water out, making it back to the grid, whose bed was emptied in the meantime.
In a couple of hours, with bare feet and trousers rolled up to his knees, at least we had rejected the bulk.
A refreshing coffee, a cigarette oxygenating, and I went to the computer to get some 'reading the last breath of the world's bloggers.

"In a little 'cat will miss the' I ', absolutely good taste."

The modem was off, and I had not I turned off.
Taken by the breaking of the water, I had forgotten to unplug everything, like I always do when the weather becomes dangerous.
-Turn back on, crushing-ripigia, crushing rischiaccia: Nothing to be done.
I wanted to try to reset, but with the modem off would have been reset as a corpse.
No landline, adsl zero.
Friday 12: called the operator, reported the accident, the ragazzuola, gentle, go to the trouble my technical field, it will take about five days to get a response.
A piece of music that I know very well unfortunately. Nicola
would come, or Amedeo, or who knows who?
not count Friday, Saturday and Sunday are not working, he would have spoken, if it went well, the following Thursday.
Monday instead (rain, this time motivated by the quickness of the response), had come to the telecom engineer, a distinguished stranger.
A couple of tests and final sentence: modem fucked.
Obviously he did not have a spare, I'd been with me the telecom immediately changed. Would forward the request to change dell'aggeggio. No, the delivery did not know them, the telecom will change immediately. The telecom is always the telecom, other music ...
In the nearby village there is a kind of point of sale computer gear, where among other things I bought at the time the modem just now deceased.
explained the situation, bugiardescamente said that dozens of people waiting, hungry wolves, my comforting words, the owner had given me a modem provisional, pending the new one from headquarters.
After connection (strangely went straight to fruition), the first question that I had done was:
"Where was I?". To answer
I went to give a pass to the various blog, going too fast feedback, to try to see where it stopped my pills distributed wisdom.
arrived at the post mentioned above, at times I burn out the modem provisional.

"In a little 'cat will miss the' I ', absolutely good taste."

Six days in jail, in solitary confinement, under the 31 bis 41, also a, was exaggerated.
With a dog, also convict (found in the blog of the saint, further evidence that you know ...), to cell mate ...

hours in the air I went to clean up the beach, gathering wood in the storm had driven from the seafront.
For the first week of cold fuel will have to feed the fire. And ...

... in the fireplace will make a pyre
wood brackish
and salt on the flame
shall see, over the top,
burned a saint.

Dolce his face,
sneering smile,
say with affection:
"Cat damned
I go roast
but you will do less ".


Post-post : tour d'horizon, I ended up in the blog bysa portraits of animals, created and directed by Samantha Abis, there is a very beautiful and interesting, Feast of the Black Cat .
worth visiting THE reading correctly, not to be confused with AL, it would be a gatticidio, pursued even in the Criminal Code.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Kidde Smoke Detector Beeping How To Disconnect

visit Rize

many come to feel that Serena has the Rize Saturday in Italian!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Keratin Treatment Bangalore

Law The Bacchelli


Bacchelli Law (No. 440 of 8 August 1985) was established to provide support to individuals who have distinguished themselves in the cultural art of the spectacle of sport, at the end of their careers find themselves in difficult circumstances.
Personally I think a law unconstitutional, in reference to the article (which does not quote, because it is ignored so that everyone knows) that declares the equality of all citizens before the state.
By providing specific interventions for certain categories, discard the other, creating a de facto discrimination.
The fact that it came to light nell'afa August (85 that was real muggy and hot dog days, not like the warm summer now) makes me doubt that it is born in the cool mind that is essential at the time of issuance of any state law.

Act II

A couple of days ago, a FC (for the law on privacy by not mentioning the name and surname, even this I think is a wrong law, or at least misplaced, since the deluge of our laws is the only one that is respected, until the climax), which is nicknamed the "Caliph" (a nickname not circumvent the law cited earlier; the identification of the subject is encrypted by the fact that we are full of Caliphs. One is the Caliph Massimo D'Alema is not good even though he has a fair amount of caliphs, who express this title in all the powers attributed to the fact caliphs), however this feeling of belonging to the Caliph FC circle of benefactors, cultural this country, has requested access to the law cited in the opening.
In an interview with a well-known newspaper, television and voice work, the Caliph has expressly said to have squandered billions, of having "had" more than a thousand women (I think here it is braked, in my "girls" would be more appropriate ; women, but has little else think they are) to be dropped fracturing, if I remember correctly, three vertebrae.
This incident prevents the exhibition in the streets, that deprives him of a livelihood and way of life he was used.
One senator, Domenico Gramazio, took to heart the matter, he dusted off and broke the law cited was forwarded to the Minister of Culture, Bondi, who has pledged to begin the process for the award of the annuity.
E 'this morning the interest of the governor of the Lazio region, Polverini, which is committed, heart in hand, to give appropriate support to live a decent FC Caliph.
which, in during Thanksgiving, we promised to dedicate a song, because "it's a beautiful pussy." The
Gramazio, in particular, has explicitly ruled that the fact that FC is not the right time to suspect "has affected his speech ready and disinterested, but caused only by the humanitarian spirit to a Caliph who honored the Italian culture.
goes without saying that the same spirit lingers on Bondi and Polverini.
says that FC is forced to live with twenty thousand euro a year of copyright, having to pay the rent, for food to get by on the street (or bins or Caritas or latch, I presume).
The annuity, if (but an uncertain pro-forma, with these pushers would have us to complain if you do not give it to him) were to give it to him, he would have some other twenty-four thousand euro per year.
guess, if you do not know math, forty-five thousand euro a year.
be rounded with a few took to the streets, sometimes.


Also two days ago, I read (I like to read everything) in a blog then I quote an open letter that seemed so incredible that it can be considered true. Although I would not be.
synthesizes it (look what you've heard: damn cat, if summarizing the weather does not come back!). The
has written a gentleman, MC, 48, addressed at the highest organs of state.
This gentleman worked 85 to the RAI / Abruzzo, seconded to the secretariat of the TGR.
In February 2010 he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and from that period in the disease.
One says: poor, we hope that if the cables.
Well, this is not his wrath. His anxiety that the letter sets out in no uncertain terms, is due to a law (holy law, as Bacchelli) provides that after 208 days of illness (seven months) the deduction of salary by 50% after the next 8 months 50%, the salary will be cleared and remain cleared until the expiry of 24 months. With a recognized disability to
After that date, the company (RAI, RAI we're talking about, is how to shoot to Talk About the Red Cross) would go to his dismissal, again by virtue of the same law as the scissor kick salary.
The scissor kick, as talk of numbers is not a crime, it will lead to 700/1000 € per month against the full salary of about 2000 which was paid. The letter also speaks
MC inconsistencies that are creepy: please, go read it in full. The
found on LIBERAL VOX 8 November, the post title is "Living with cancer with half salary."

Act IV

Two shame in comparison.
a very close personal (involving the circle that says), the lack of dignity that makes it odious, the motivations and eventual implementation. The histrionic amuse me, irritate me the Marple.
The other, is not ashamed to MC: shame is first and foremost RAI and after that, we, all of us.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Milena Velba New Foto


El Canto del GAL
Coma chiel Fasia already bib le matin
with the Edco has Comense sang
drinta I know the game, Sagrini stating that each sensation,
single head per Drita Mach salutary.

The only beautiful crests Rossa bin soli
the Dasi ciàir he sens la corona ed to:
hanger 'd col poly, chiel, al'era' re
and it controlled its own 'd. person-to ...

Andrinta in court, ciàira and bright
ai Caminada bin al nobile soagnà:
with him only to pass Leger spassigiava
blagand piuma touch with bin pëntnà.

Chiel fasìa the level to play chicken-and
ch'a it cudìo of full-and amirassion:
El blagheur aj'ero soe ... regin-e, but
deuvìo situassion understood the bin.

Ma 'n brut ij lader
are passed to and from the poles have piàit suits the Galin-e:
chiel for SOA al'é a fortune-scape,
but with the brut 'do-it-and since propi ... je.

For a while 's time has pa pì cantà
con el sò cheur full and soferensa:
peui with cole pole neuve found it
na Rason neuve for SOA esistensa.

Al fond ëd costa stòria j’é na moral
ch’a val s’a-i é ’l sol e con la brin-a:
për podèj sempre sente canté ’n gal
basta ch’a-i sia davzin...soa galin-a.

                                                                                                                                        (Attilio Rossi)

The cat has translated from chicchirichese, meowing like this:


As he did every morning
that day began singing
into his chicken coop, with no thought,
with his head up just to say hello.

His beautiful red crest erect
gave the clear sense of the crown:
because of that chicken, he was the king
and controlled right person.

Inside the court, clear and bright, we walked with poise
walked with her light step
showing their feathers well combed.

He made nice with his hens
who tended full of admiration for the gallant
... were his queens,
but had to understand the situation well.

But a bad day
thieves have passed and they took all the chicken coop:
him his fortune he's escaped, but that
bad day was the end.

for a while 'time no longer
sang with her heart full of pain:
then with the new pullets
has found a new reason for its existence.

At the end of this story there is a moral
that applies if the sun is shining and the frost:
to sing always feel a cock
close enough that there is ... its chicken .

The moral of the poem is clear: if there is hen the cock crows, otherwise nisba.

Who is like poetry, should also enjoy the following tale.

There once was a rooster that had received free loan for a specified time (thought, belief, hope) a building, and had made a poultry house: in order to full-throated singing was not limited to a single hen, had wanted several and considered him a king, their king.

Villa himself had a rooster, another chicken coop: chickens josa wanted here, and always love to sing better (Ar core can not control, he said).

He also had another villa, island, Pollaiolo this too, not to pay the ICI had called Certosa, by including the church property tax exemption by hatred. More than a villa was a country, near the sea, equipped with everything one could miss the chickens? No, and there brought us better, more ... more!

order not to miss anything he had also bought an old barn, overseas (the natives call it Antigua, not to change from macaroni): here the inevitable chickens were exotic, hard, tanned and not seeking the payment of contributions payable by domestic workers.

Heaven, not for the other to contribute: distributed command posts, where the chickens could have fun, as a hen's brain allowing it to do.

For others, spent the coveted summit, there was the safe haven in television, which was a chicken coop especially, at the time bought to boost its crowing.

Not to look a despot, was surrounded by chickens and capons, which could chicchireggiare a command or by delegation; sometimes it seemed they did their own initiative, and the cock, mock angry, punishing them severely, promoting to higher positions.

The tale ends here.

Like all fairy tales should have a moral. This does not have it.

The moral of those who have died directly, dignity is buried, the shame no longer exists.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Dell Latitude 2100 No Supported Webcam







week of action against vivisection

This is not a post, it's just a meow. Today is a holiday, please find two minutes to visit REVOLUTION OF THOUGHT Ondina, that's a post to read. Carefully.

A living thing that do experiments on other living beings has only one name: Mengele

Monday, October 25, 2010

Vintage Ewing For Sale

Claims First five

The building where we had gone to live was isolated, there was a large square in front, no frills, with grass, clay and seedlings around.
the back, a great field, grown mostly in corn, beyond which was the railway line.
On street level there were three stores, a florist, a tobacconist, and a smaller room, a tailor.
This florist had made friends with my wife, who went to help, passing the time while I was at work.
Love flowers and attendance had put in a position to participate in various processes, learning, as they say, the craft.
So when the florist, for his business, he decided to go elsewhere, the proposed survey of the shop was almost automatic.
When I had mentioned this possibility, I did not show any enthusiasm, because trade is not my sympathies, and because I was aware that would limit my free time.
In the end, as always when a woman makes up her mind to something which is against, I had joined.
Exams, chamber of commerce, registration taxes and other bureaucratic papers: all topped with a big break ...
The store, thanks to a certain neglect of the flower was, as they say, down to earth.
I tied my "yes" on one condition: if, putacaso, it had led to a good level, with a commitment that would put me under an obligation to choose between my job and the shop, we sold this, without 'if 'and without' but '. Follow
a store, even flower, with a 850 Spyder, of course, it was not.
I chose a middle ground between a van and a small car suited to the task: a Simca 1100, those with a sort of trunk and rear seats fold completely, to form a load acceptable. On
life (hell) I had forced the shop talk in specific places. Here continuous claims.
Among the obligations of floriculture was 'also' to go to the general market of flowers, of course, on the other side of the city across the country away from the belt to start.
This market, which is reserved exclusively for professionals, opened at half past five in the morning, it was necessary to get a 'pass' to be renewed year after year, entry was controlled by security guards, who were only passing Card Holders .
forgot: the wife had no license and did not show any interest in taking it, so there was the donkey that performs all the functions inherent to the portering shop. More
all others, of course.
As mentioned in previous posts, my work is always in the afternoon, sometimes 'also' in the morning, just as every 'even' in the evening, and in these cases until midnight.
My shame to speak of my own, perhaps prevented me from saying that, apart from life, sleep is my most precious asset. Now you know.
Back to incidents.
last decade of October, located in the last years of keeping the shop, which now was reaching the limit of good performance too, and then approaching the possibility of transfer at the time provided.
In view of the feast of Saints, but most of the dead (not a holiday but a celebration, but for florists certainly a lavish feast), woke up at five every morning, coffee, and away we go to the market.
For me a daily pleasure, that I will not tell or I'll cry.
Road humidified with delicate flowers, just to be in terms of snow, a course that was a highway, at that time only me and my Simca, a traffic light, red promptly and punctually complied with.
on that course overlooking a large factory.
At that time the workers dismantled the night shift.
were four on one machine.
O The driver was on autopilot without activating the on-board radar, or should have taken good aim.
Case of the slippery snow had not even heard if there was or not braking.
I had only seen the lights in the rearview mirror as they approached, and hit the rear of the machine. The head of the wife had
pendant back and forth, thank goodness, since historically empty, had not suffered damages beyond the classic flick of the whip.
The four were dropped, eight arms outstretched, as if to say "sorry, we did not deliberately"
Data Exchange address, phone, and meeting the next morning, Sunday, to define things better. How
said, in the Saints, the car was essential, as the store for my work, which is why I could very well take public transport, although a bit 'uncomfortable because of the times. In
day visit to the coaches explained my needs, he with a little 'I had a hammer in the sixth put the ass in the car, had changed the rear lights and put back on the road enough to be able to travel.
dead saints and passed pretty well, apart from the pack in the work shop.
Since the incident had gone a dozen days. I was not gone from the body shop because they are too busy on both fronts, work and shop.
The workplace was located on a long course, straight, wide enough to allow easy traffic and most importantly, without the possibility of parking problems.
That afternoon I had parked on the left, behind the camera to a colleague behind me at a distance of ten meters, other cars were parked by other colleagues.
In the late afternoon I had called the guard, alarmed by the entry booth:
"Look who have rejected the car ...."
Thought: "We have a hawk to guard."
Word: "Look, is more than a week that have rejected me ...."
"No no, now now ...."
Briefly, not to disprove.
boy and girl had decided to exchange effusions, apparently having already bet my sderenata Simca.
And we had stopped against.
The girl had her head smashed the front windshield, breaking down completely, and the boy, a hit in the chest and so much fear.
My poor car, bisderenata was over against the front of her.
If I'd been inside, I would chop into a sandwich.
Conclusion: For the backside I was caught by two insurance companies, for the front by one.
Well, at least I had the expenses saved.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Indian Frequencies Of Channels And Sattelites

is night four

The known

Fra e'fug dl'aröla
and mouth and Camen
curiêndul'd falug
and stasêva to gala
is'impiêva, is'amurtêva
comma lózal
Chel zuga to gnascundëla
Brother the high Spiga.

faza e tla dla
note of the gratusa Stel
the fasêva the gatózal
the hair you gave ZIL
par e 'heart
insunlì sun.

The silénzi
sure the comma was polished
e are dolz
of every Burdel.

Ti mur dla ca
and words go off the flame dla
j'era coz lona
to spas in the you bur.

What mumént
the Cavel
mama and shifts by magic
culôr de grȃn,
Ôn mantel d'Or
Sora to the shovel.

Rosa 'd vargógna,
coma to sofi
prem de amor,
them the Zerche
the man de on old,
incorporated chêlda
UDOR et d'bushels.

(Anonymous - 1981)

For those unfamiliar with the full moon, the cat has read thus:

It is night

Among the fire in the hearth
and the mouth of the chimney
the confetti sparks
stay afloat
kindled, went out like fireflies
playing hide and seek
between the ears of corn.

And on the face of the night
the grating of the stars
the skin of the sky
to awaken the heart
sleepy of the sun.

The voice of silence
was clean
as sweet sleep
of each child.

on the walls of the house
bare words
the thorns of the flame
were broken moon
a walk in the dark.

At that moment
mother's hair
returned Enchanted
a cloak of gold
above the shoulder.

Red shame
as the breath
of first love, she tried
the hand of his old
still hot
smell of the barn.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

How Long Is Sausage Good For?


We were married, had still included the 850 Spyder.
We found lodging in a country of the belt, a brand new building, so much so that the furniture, bought at a regular rate, we had brought in the new house going on the marble steps still covered with straw mixed with lime to prevent them from ruining both builders still at work, which traslocanti clumsy. Before
furniture, cleaning of floors and traces of lime, packed lunch, with sandwiches and beer. The
good time for me was the morning.
The head lady went on to become the afternoon, I reached in the evening to work, and we returned all'alloggetto furnished, nest provisional pending the final one.
The nap after a sandwich and beer, in the bath, wrapped a sweater for a pillow.
The job was about fifteen miles, a road lined by fields with few houses here and there, I brought to the city center.
same way for years. Only in winter, snow or ice, I prefer a middle course, more traffic, but also more polished. In the street
Campagnola, the advantage was almost no traffic, the big drawback was the slippery frost and fog.

At that time, two incidentucoli.

Without the stop, look left waiting for the passage of oncoming cars.
A guy behind, he looked to the left, perhaps to have more visual, he decided that he and the stop line was empty.
mutual exchange of courtesies, for me, he would have to look 'even' in front, for him, just I should not be there, stop at the stop sign.
Luckily he was insured, left fixed.

The second, due to fog.
the afternoon, going to work, it could happen, that there was the sun.
the evening in spring autumn winter, in contrast with the sunny days, often there was fog and mist I mean when I say that the cream is transparent glass.
in the city, leaving the job, the phenomenon was absent, perhaps reduced by the currents of air between buildings, which dissolved in the first form.
That was a night of fog-mist.
Even outside the city, found the wall, I should go back and go for the alternative road, certainly more clear.
he did I would have less to tell, causing disappointment in the reader. So
eyes squeezed, window down so as not to tarnish the windows, head almost out looking for a glimmer of white stripe on the pavement and ... more people!
A cross, which displayed more insight.
Beyond the intersection, crossed hundreds of times, I had not noticed that there was a phone booth. Just
corner, cemented on the right.
I had not noticed her in broad daylight, I could notice it in the middle of fog?
fact, although I went to no more than a hundred an hour, I went to fight against them, in full.
Accurate: the hundred meters were, at the time. Evidently
was cemented with spit, because, with the Bottarelli had fallen.
And if I say I do not want cut down like the tower of Pisa, I understand more fully the value that is given to that term.
According to the Highway Code then in force, I had to stop and administer first aid to a dying car.
Instead I said the usual "damn!" With plenty of edge, I put the gear back down from gradinetto, and, this time going to fifty meters per hour, I was gone.
In the fog, of course.
Damage to car: little or nothing.
The story now, because I know that both the damage claim that the wrongful death, after a century are deleted from the prescription.
Besides, the cabins are deleting all: I helped a few years earlier.

We still feel, if you like.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Connect Ipod To Command Mercedes


I would have done,
would be a grin,
but tonight I need
a real smile.
I paid very well
a double,
for a smile
asked me to the moon.
The moon I gave him,
Taurus has a win,
and this is the party!